Monday, March 1, 2010

your square cell is a cubicle formation, duh.

are you happy
inside your little box?
left to right
right to left
back and forth
and do it again
if you rotate the box
it is the same
are you in the box?
do you know what's really happening out here?
or are you outside the box?
but so immersed in wishing you were in the box
that you forget what's happening outside the box?
the grass is always greener, i guess
well that seems to be what you think anyway
have you ever wanted to escape from your box?
start running
only to find walls
and corners?
is that why you are who you are now?
you won't leave the box
because you think you CAN'T leave the box?
escape is impossible
so you wallow
in the pit you've created while pacing
that's all you ever do
is whine and bitch and chew
about the world outside
as you see it
because you know what?
you can't see through your box.
you don't have a glass box
through which you can observe the world
you have a titanium box
shut off from everything, everyone
kept safe
but always missing out
that's all you ever were
all you ever will be
until you find the box key
don't throw your junk in my backyard
my backyard's full.

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