Thursday, March 4, 2010


what the fuck is your problem
you go through all this
getting me where i am
and then you pull shit like you did today
and THEN you try and play it off
and act like i'm not mad
you've got a lot of guts, you bastard
i'm fucking furious
i'm tired
and i feel like dying
but you wouldn't notice
because you're too caught up in you
and don't get me wrong
i'm not saying you can't have a life
just don't forget me
don't leave me behind
i still need you
you're all i've got
who will pick up the pieces if you go?
i spend so much time
trying to keep you happy
so you don't snap
and leave me behind
but it worries me
when you can't appreciate that
almost everything i do
i do for you
to keep you happy
to get your attention
to create interest in me
most times it never works
but i keep trying anyway
hoping that
one day
you'll open your eyes
see what's in front of you
this broken little girl
the remnants of me
feast your eyes on that for once

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