Wednesday, July 7, 2010


i had this dream last night
i was princess leia
and i was in jabba the hut's house dealie
and he had captured han solo and chewbacca
i told him i'd suck his cock if he'd let us go.
turns out jabba the hut doesn't have a cock.
but we fell in love anyway...
but on one of his million billion trips to the bathroom, someone spoke to him
and informed him that solo and the wookiee had been sent to another planet
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
and despite the fact that i love him
i left jabba the hut
it was one of the hardest things i'd have to do in my dream.
i searched the galaxy
and it turns out that han solo and chewbacca had been taken BACK to jabba the hut
so i went back
while i was gone his house dealie and become a castle dealie
so i kung fu-ed my way into one of their cannon tower thingies
and started shooting at them
but then i ran out of ammo
then hiccup and toothless from how to train your dragon flew up
and i noticed that jabba's (he and i are on a first name basis) men were shooting at us with dragon fire
ergo there must've been dragons in the castle.
so i asked hiccup if he could get us a dragon to fight back with
and he was all like OF COURSE
so he did
and we took out most of their guns
but then my dragon ran out of fire
and we had to feed it blood from toothless so it could survive
but it was still weak
so we tried to go hide in my ex-step mom's house
and i told the people i was with that the back door would be locked
and to watch out for dog poo
but they didn't listen
and they had shitty shoes and no way to get in
so we broke into jabba's castle
and i went to try and reunite myself with jabba,
but when he found out i was there, he was ashamed of himself
and afraid of facing me
so he hid in a dungeon where they keep their dragons
it was lined with skeletons
and i don't think i ever wound up finding anyone i was looking for
but man, what a FUCKED UP DREAM.

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